Questions & Answers

why does my programming procedure not go beyond the third step on my 2021 toyota sienna Hybrid?

0 votes
I cannot complete the programing seven steps I spent two days checking connections and reconnecting making sure everything is right I even soldered the wires to make sure they are making good contact but seams that the module its failing> would you be able to help me?
asked Jan 21 in Toyota by Rigo (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In the title of your post, you mention  "not go beyond third step"  but in your actual post, you mention "seven steps" which exact step in the programming procedure are you having issues with?  As steps 3 and 7 not programming can be caused by different issues, please post your module's SN here so we can view the FW and optiona enabled
answered Jan 21 by J M (64,170 points)
It's supposed to have 7 steps for programming the module, which would then encrypt it. However, i can only get to the third step. The SN number is: 002B04 654352

When i get to the third step, the blue LED stays lit instead of flashing and doesn't turn red (which correlates to step 4). On step six, its supposed to turn yellow which also doesn't happen. I didn't manage to get past the blue LED.

Thank you for your response, i would really appreciate if you could help me figure it out.
is there anyone that can help me ?