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2015 Kia Sorento Standard Key T-Harness Evo-One Step 4 Solid Amber Light

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Installing a Evo-One in a 2015 Kia Sorento with T-Harness and standard key. Completed wiring. Spliced yellow A1 into pink ignition wire in T-Harness. Cut white wire in T-Harness. I have flashed the Evo-One with the lastest firmware in both remote start connection and bypass mode. In FlashLink Manager for desktop Pro Mode, I set the mode to OEM Lock-Unlock-Lock on 38.4(?). I am using an OEM key. That is the only option I configured.

With the key out, I plug in the 6 wire harness while holding the programming button. Lights flash red->blue->red & blue->yellow and I release the button. Yellow is solid on, other lights are off. I plug in the remaining connectors. Insert the key into ignition, and turn to RUN position. The light stays solid yellow.

I have probed the C2 & C4 and have 2.4v for CAN-Low at the C connector. I have 2.6v at the C1 & C3 connector for CAN-High. I can not get to the blue flashing x10 times in the programming steps.

Car starts normally with key.
asked 21 hours ago in Kia by Joe McFrederick (130 points)

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