Questions & Answers

2007-2010 Lincoln MKX EVO-ALL FORT4/FOR4 No Start

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I'm encountering a no start condition with EVO-ALL (SN: 001A07511504) and THAR-FOR4 T-Harness in a 2009 Lincoln MKX. It programs correctly (i.e. ending with 10 red flashes then rapid blue flashes). When remote starting it goes through the motions but the engine never cranks.

I currently do not have A4 (green wire - unlock) or A5 (white wire - lock) installed from the 20-pin connector as from my understanding it's only required for a RF kit. I will be installing a MyCar module but want to ensure I have the basics working first before connecting the other wires to the BCM.

NOTE: The unlock wire color seems to be incorrect for the 3B BCM connector in Guide # 89131 rev 20220805.  The manual states Purple/Green but the actual color is Purple/Grey. Wirecolor also lists the unlock wire as Purple/Grey.
asked Jan 8, 2024 in Lincoln by TK81 (130 points)

1 Answer

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Turn off D2 and re test.

Best regards.
answered Jan 8, 2024 by derek g (358,230 points)
Thanks for the help Derek! I was finally able to install the module with D2 turned off and it now works as intended with the OEM key fob.

However, I have encountered an issue using the MYCAR telemetric module. When I unlock the vehicle it unlocks for a second or less then relocks. I'm using the OEM alarm and have the two ARM wires with 1 amp diodes wired to A5, UNLOCK wired to A4, and DRIVER DOOR PIN wired to A17 and A18. What would be the cause of this issue?
Try putting the doorpin wire back together, see if the issue goes away.