Questions & Answers

Evo-Start LTE North America network question.

0 votes
I'm considering having an Evo-Start LTE installed. I already have an Evo-One unit in my 2020 Mazda CX-5 and it works fine but the OEM remote doesn't reach far enough while I'm at work.
Before I take the plunge, I was curious if anyone knew what cellular network the system uses in North America so I could get a more detailed coverage map from that provider, as the coverage map on the Evo-Start site isn't very helpful with just a bunch of stylized red dots.
asked Nov 8, 2023 in FAQ by Jedediah Remrey (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

In Canada it uses bell.

In U.S.A. it uses at&t, t-mobile & verizon depending on location.

Best regards.
answered Nov 8, 2023 by derek g (359,100 points)
Derek, can you confirm whether standard LTE sims or NB-IoT or Cat-M are being used to provide the connectivity? I'm guessing NB/CatM but are you allowed to disclose the provider, is the data pooled for all accounts, and is Fortin managing the data usage themselves? I'm asking since obviously high volume/fleet customers would need larger allotment while the average personal driver would use minimum. Are details regarding polling limits, maximum guaranteed service contract (SLA) limitations, throttling, etc available, maybe via email? What telematics data is exchanged and made available to the user?
EVO-START-LTE uses CAT1. As for the rest with the exception of the last quesiton, that information is not available.


Data exchanged and available in the app is between the remote starter and the evo-start-lte.

- door lock control

- engine on/off

- remote start with selectable run time (7, 15, 30 mins)

- cabin temp.

- vehicle battery status

- gps tracking

- tracking 60 day history

- notifications for all the above
