Questions & Answers

Can the hood switch be reversed?

0 votes
On my 2018 Mazda CX-9 the OEM hood switch connects to ground when the hood is closed and is an open circuit when the hood is open.

If I connect this (using the THAR-ONE-MAZ3 harness) to the Fortin EVO-ONE, I will only be able to remote start with the hood open, as the Fortin is expecting a ground with the hood open and an open circuit with the hood closed.

Is there a way to flash the Fortin EVO-ONE such that it will work with my stock hood switch?

I do not want to drill a hole and run a new wire for a second hood switch.
asked May 15, 2021 in Mazda by Theo Abramovich (170 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
If the vehicle is equipped with an OEM hood pin, there is no need to connect the hood wire from the evo-one as it will detect the OEM hood pin through the can-bus network.


In regards to the question of if the evo one hood pin can be inversed, no it cannot.

Best Regards.
answered May 17, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
OEM wiring diagrams show the hood switch as going to the Rear Body Control Module. I may have to have that unit reflashed; I added the OEM hood switch when I added the Fortin EVO-ONE. The OEM hood switch is only on vehicles with an OEM alarm, which my vehicle did not have.

It does not detect the OEM hood pin through the CAN-Bus network. I can still remote start with the hood open.
If your vehicle does not have an oem alarm then no it will not have an oem hood pin.


So in that case simply wire the hood pin switch from the evo-one. When the evo one hood pin wire is grounded (hood open) it will prevent remote start.
0 votes
Reading your other comments.

If you added the oem hood switch and pinned it correctly to the bcm but the EVO still fails to detect the hood status on CAN, the Hood status feature in the BCM will need to be enabled. But first make sure option A11 in the EVO is not turned off.
answered May 17, 2021 by Robert T (305,380 points)