Questions & Answers

2008 dodge caravan wont start then just honks

+1 vote
I installed evoall with prostart lcpro-1.  Connections are correct and sound.  When remote button is pushed, lights activate and relays are heard.  Then evoall light goes red and van honks.  Does not start.  has anyone seen this before?
asked Jan 14, 2014 in Dodge by David Dohle (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Vehicles with factory alarm need to have the vehicle unlock before start and relock after. This is part of the programming procedure of the EVO-ALL.
answered Jan 15, 2014 by Robert T (305,380 points)
So if I unlock it then try to start it it should work??

You shouldn't have to press the unlock button yourself. Once you hit your remote starters start button the doors should unlock themselves and will relock once it's started.


To have the vehicle unlock before and relock after start you need to either

  1. Turn on option 12 in the EVO-ALL. You need the Flash-Link Updator to change this option.
  2. The remote starter should also have programmable setting that will unlock before and relock after start.