Questions & Answers

Evo ALL - T-harness modify for RF-KIT

0 votes
I have Jeep JK 2012, with EVO ALL and T-Harness.
I have also Fortin RF KIT (RFK912 2 way).
How to modify the harness without RF-A2A cable to work wit RF KIT?
asked Apr 15, 2020 in Jeep by Loris Coniglio (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

there<s a picture in here on how to modify the antenna cable itself. Wouldnt recommend it though

answered Apr 15, 2020 by Robert T (303,700 points)
Ok, thanks very much.

Last question: The antenna need only to be powered with two wires on pin 3 and 4?
The last two pin are unused?

I've got ordered the cable, but with lockdown the shipment is around the world since 20 days.
Ok, all is working now, thanks a lot.

the range is amazing.

only trouble: when I stop the engine from remote, the dash still stay on until I open the door. There is any option to correct?

What do you mean "the dash still stay on"?