Questions & Answers

Anyone else having problems with warning lights and stalling?

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I installed my EVO in my 2015 Ram1500 SLT.  After installation, the truck does start immediately without problems, but now on a couple occasions the truck has stalled when accellerating from a stop at low speeds and on other occasions every warning light on my gauge cluster will flash and my 2WD light will flash when going at normal cruising speed (45-60 mph) and I lose power.  If I take my foot off the accelerator and coast, the lights will slowly go off and I resume control and acceleration.  Anyone else experience this?  My fear is that it is messing with the ECM Module.  I used the T-Harness for the installation.
asked Jan 11, 2020 in Ram by Steve Buess (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No the module does not interfere with the ECM module, disconnect the EVOALL module to see if issue is still present.
answered Jan 14, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)