Questions & Answers

Can you use the OEM Remote to unlock/lock after EVO-ONE remote start has been activated in Hyundai Tuscon 2018?

0 votes
Looking to configure the EVO-ONE with a Hyundai Tuscon 2018 with OEM Remote, how will the OEM remote function after the car has been remote started. The guide says the remotes will not be operable during remote start?


asked Nov 28, 2019 in Hyundai by andrewt360 (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
If it's a standard key the remotes won't work and if it's a push to start they will.
answered Nov 28, 2019 by Mike M (9,800 points)
selected Nov 28, 2019 by andrewt360
Thank you for the answer! How are you expected to get into the vehicle after the door lock with the OEM remotes?
Aftermarket remotes or stick the key into the drivers door.