Questions & Answers

2014 F150 Will my battery dying for several days cause my remote start to stop working and my truck not crank?

0 votes
My battery died for a few days and when i charged it up my truck wont start. It cranks(turns over) but will not fire up. Could this be related to the remote start intsalled on my 2014 F150 5.0?
asked Mar 1, 2019 in Ford by Tate Harris (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
sounds like the truck is missing an ignition. Check wiring and fuses.
answered Mar 1, 2019 by Robert T (303,700 points)
it has ignition but no fuel. Starts breifly with staring fluid. wondering if the remote start could hve lost program and causing an issue. All fuses and wires good.