Questions & Answers

2004 toyota highlander install manual shows different plugs then on actual car.

0 votes
for some reason i could not locate the plugs being reference in the installation manual.
asked Nov 25, 2018 in Toyota by richard xiong (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Which plugs couldn't you find?
answered Nov 25, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)
couldnt find any of the plugs referenced. there were no 7 plug, 2 pin plug, 20 pin plug and i had issues locating the brake pedal plug.
They are all located up by the steering column
I looked but they are all different and also the manual says white plugs but they are all black and yellow. also there was a 8 pin plug but it did not have the wires the manual was instructing to tap into to.

Either I am blind or I have no clue what I am looking for.frown also  if there are pictures they would be greatly helpful.

any help would be greatly appreciated.