Questions & Answers

Would the Remote Start work with Aftermarket Keyless Entry?

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I installed an aftermarket keyless entry system on my Silverado as it did not come with it from the factory. I noticed that on the EVO-ALL there are wires for External Lock and Unlock. If I connect those wires to the aftermarket keyless entry would the 3X remote start work?
asked Sep 27, 2018 in Chevrolet by Juan Becerra (390 points)

1 Answer

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No it wouldn't work. The evo gets the info from the can bus system and transmits it to the remote start system as far as I know it wouldn't "see" the signal from the keyless entry remote.
answered Sep 27, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)
If you have maybe a trunk button or AUX on your keyless entry that is not used, you could use the trunk (-) output to the yellow/black start/stop input on the EVOALL and use the trunk function to remote start.... That would work.