Questions & Answers

OEM remote does not work when engine is running (2015 Odyssey)

0 votes

I connected EVO-ONE with T-harness, following instructions, including modifying the harness by cutting wire 34 and connecting it to the EVO-ONE module via green/white and green/red wires, and I also cut the white wire on the 6-pin harness.

Remote start works great, but after it's started, OEM remote does not work, so I can't kill the engine or enter into the car.

How can I start troubleshooting this?

Thank you!



P.S. Instructions on your site asked for hood pin to be installed.  For this car it's not necessery (open hood acts as a door trigger and prevents remote start from activating).
asked Apr 21, 2018 in Honda by Matvey Adz (200 points)
edited Apr 22, 2018 by Matvey Adz

1 Answer

0 votes
What guide have you followed?

First page upper right hand corner will tell you the installation guide number.
answered Apr 23, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)
Guide # 65001.  Thank you

Was the interrupt done on the pruple wire of the t-harness? This must be done to allow the OEm remote to work when the engine is remote started. 

Yes, I have cut the purple wire and connected one end to green/white and other to green/red, just like mentioned in the installation guide.
Can you please post a picture of the wire you cut...

Here are pictures of the cut harness, and where the 2 wires lead on the main plug on EVO-ONE.   I triple-checked all connections, everything matches the manual.

hhhmmm well all looks good there at this point I suggest calling into tech support  so we can go over further troubleshooting.


Mon-Fri 8-6
Hi Derek,

I have the same issue like this, and the car shutdown when I open the door. How can I remote start and open door, hit the start button again in order to start driving ?

THank you

Serial No. 002B07273184
You can't. We do not offer take over on that vehicle.
^ that's right you can't have remote keep running after door is opened.

Does your OEM fob still work to unlock the car while it's remote started though?  Mine doesn't and I can't figure out why.