Questions & Answers

Evo ALL with Ford THarness 2012 Ford Fusion

0 votes
I have hooked up all connections except for driver door pin because I can't seem to find the correct wire. When I hold the program button and plug in the black 4 pin connector to start programming, nothing happens. No lights come on or anything. When I plug it back in to the Flashlink it comes on and shows the info. Am I missing something? I have my only vehicle dissasembled and really need to get this done. PLEASE HELP

Update: I checked the red and black wires on the black 4 pin plug and there is 12.5 volts at the connection. Is this a bad unit?

Update part 2: I flashed with an older version of firmware and then reflashed back to current/recommended firmware and it finally cooperated! Up and running. I do have one final question though, I did not hook up the left door pin wires because I couldn't find the correct one to use. What functions will I not have because of this? I have noticed that the car will only turn off if I press the brake. Any ideas?? Sory for the long post, just trying to do it right. Thanks!
asked Jan 14, 2017 in Ford by Bernie Surber (190 points)
edited Jan 14, 2017 by Bernie Surber

1 Answer

0 votes
If the driver door pin is not hooked up you will not get any RAP control.

To turn the car off press the brake or press lock-unlock-lock again.
answered Jan 16, 2017 by derek g (358,430 points)

What is RAP control?  I also have not connected the driver door pin and the remote start works, but the alarm goes off about 1 in 5 times.  I have the following options ENABLED:

  • A1-A11 (EXCEPT A5 as listed in the installation guide)
  • C1
  • D1+D1.6
  • D2
  • D3
  • D4