Questions & Answers

Remote start stopped working, can't get it working again. 2014 Impala

0 votes
Installed an evo-all last spring on my wifes 2014 Impala and the remote start function as a stand alone was working as described. A month ago, it simply stopped working. I've reprogramed, checked all the wiring, flashed and updated the firmware, reset the unit and nothing has worked. I can reprogram with no errors but it still won't start with the oem remote. When I click lock three times, the blue light on the unit just flashes once and that's it. When I use the key to start in the ignition, the unit's yellow light is solid. Any ideas? Can I be missing an option when I'm using the flashlink? I've tried different combinations with the flashlink but I'm out of ideas. I installed one on my 2013 F-150 at the same time and it's working like a charm.
asked Jan 9, 2016 in Chevrolet by Michael McKenna (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Looking at the service number provided, Option C1 needs to be on for oem remote monitoring.

Also looks like the dcryptor proccess is incomplete? Did you try both program procedures?
answered Jan 11, 2016 by derek g (358,030 points)