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EVO-CHRT5 in 2005 Chrysler 300 starts after one lock vs 3x lock.

+1 vote
When the unit was first installed, everything seem to be operating as designed.  3x lock and the car starts.  No over past week or so, that car starts with one lock.  So when the car is exited and the the lock button is pressed, the car locks and then remote starts.
asked Mar 3, 2015 in Chrysler by Jim (850 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Where is the yellow/black wire from the 20-pin connector connected?
answered Mar 4, 2015 by Robert T (304,000 points)
It is not connected to anything.
Good, it shouldn't be connected anywhere.

Was anything changed in the install? I know you were looking into adding an rf-kit earlier.
Nothing was changed.  Was looking into the RF kit because of this issue.

T-Taps were used for the install.  Would a faulty t-tap be the culprit.  If it is, which wire should I narrow it down to.  Can take it apart and make solder connections if need to but since this is low voltage did not think it was needed.

Should I remove the unit and reflash it?

BTW, on a side note, I find that when remote starting, the starter goes for several seconds longer than it has to.
You should not use t-taps for remote starter installations. They are too unreliable and more often than not end up cutting the wire it's connected or connecting due to wrong wire gauge size for the t-tap being used.


I would re-do the installation, remove all t-taps and check again.

For the 1x lock, call tech support when you have a few minutes and you are in the car and have access to maybe updating module. Never seen this on a Chrysler.

  • We read the lock commands through the CAN-BUS. T-TAPS, if anything, would cause failed starts by remote starter and/or regular key start. (considering they have a tendancy of cutting through wires)
  • The only other physical connection that would cause the car to start is the yellow/black wire. Its a trigger input wire. A ground pulse/latch would start/stop the car. (this is why i first asked about this wire)
  • Yes, you can try downgrading the firmware.


The overcrank is unfortunately normal and there is nothing that can be done when using the unit as a stand alone remote starter. With a separate remote starter module, you would be able to activate a tachless mode which in general fixes over crank.

Very well.  I'll have access in a few days and report back findings/resolutions after talking with tech support.

Kind of what I thought about t-taps.  The car reliably starts every time just with 1x lock.   I have never had an issue with t-taps with low current installs. (Having the correct t-tap for the guage wire is very important.)  Solder is my preference as long as there is enough access.  See if I can redo the install with solder.
Haven't talked to tech support yet, but here are more details.

The 3x remote start works most of the time.  The time when it starts with 1x is when the following occurs.  After driving the vehicle, you exit the vehicle and closed the doors.  If you lock the door immediately it will remote start.  If you wait awhile, you can lock the car without it remote starting.  When it is in that state (when 1x remote start happens), you can turn it off with 1x as well.  If you start the car with 3x, then it will turn off with 3x.
Talked with tech support. Tried backing down to firmware 4.18. Reset to defaults each time before reprogramming. Same thing happens.  If I lock the car right after shutting it off it 1x remote starts.  Disconnected the parking light wire.  No change.

personally, it sounds like something is shorting to the yellow/black wire on the 20-pin connector of the evo. When that wire see's ground, it starts/stops the truck.

Other than that, what is the state of the LED's o nthe unit:

  • while remote started
  • while the vehicle is driven
  • when it runs on 1x lock
  • etc...
If I wait 1 minute after the car is turned off before locking the door, No 1x remote start.  Less than a minute 1x remote start.

As far as other wires.  When I install a remote start, I remove the wires from teh harness, I don't cut them off and pigtail them.  So the only wires that are in the 20 pin connector are the Yellow, Dk Blue, Brown/White, and Green/Red.

I am stating this from memory with my testing yesterday. When the car has been off for awhile, press the lock button and the blue light blicks twice.  Press the lock button three times, and the blue light blinks 6 times and the red light goes on followed by the yellow light.  Once the car starts the blue light goes on.

When it in a state when it starts 1x, pressing the lock button once, it looks like the blue light blinks 5 times when the above start sequence starts.

I'll be honest, i have no idea. If i had this car under my hands this is what i'd do before grabbing another module... (in this order)

  1. Master reset
  2. flash the evo to 74.18
  3. reprogram to vehicle
  4. set options D1 and C1


master reset procedure is quite simple..

  • hold down programming button
  • plug in datalink connector
  • let go when led is red
  • push and hold programming button until all three leds start to alternate
  • module is now reset

If this is still happening with a second a module, my fingers will start pointing at the car being the problem. My reason for this would be what you said about the blue led flashing : "When it in a state when it starts 1x, pressing the lock button once, it looks like the blue light blinks 5 times when the above start sequence starts." From here i'd be questioning if the client had gone to the dealer lately and had some service done that ended up messing with the remote start install ( which i can see happening if they had to reprogram the skim module / bcm / keys etc... )

You had mentionned something about using an rf-kit earlier. If you do go this route, make sure to turn OFF option C1 - OEM Remote Monitoring. This would prevent 1x or 3x lock start since the evo would not be set to monitor the remotes.

if you can get a video of this and send it to, that would be greeeat . Make sure that we can see the leds on the unit.
I really wonder if the problem existed since the install but did not come to light until recently.  The history of the car was that it was in a frontal collision last year and had a lot of work done. Then later the transmission had to be rebuilt.  That is all the history I have about it.  Not sure if some time during that time some reprogramming was done.  The only other thing I can think of which I have not looked into is the automobiles auto lock/unlock.  Currently it is enabled. Perhaps disabling it might make a difference.  I doubt it.

I did the flash, master reset, and reprogram from 74.19 to 4.18.  All firmware exhibited the same issue.

I'll get some videos and upload it. Planning on installing a Revo4 RF kit as I think this is the only way of resolving the issue.  Will get the videos before I install the kit.  If nothing else, perhaps a solution could be found and help the next installer.

Thank you for your help.

Will update this post as information is gathered.

One last question and it may be obvious but I do not want to assume too much, the Revo4 through the Evo-All will not only initial remote start, but conrol lock/unlock and trunk pop through the Evo-All.  If it does, do I need to connect more wires or is it all controlled through the CAN interface.
Got a video of the car when it 1x remotes starts and sent it to

Got the REVO 4 remote kit and installed it.  Works like a charm now.  Appreciate the support.

Just saw the video Thank You! We'll look into a bit more. Until then, you can turn off C1 in your options so that the car doesnt start whenever you try to lock it. The RF-KIT will stil lwork even with C1 off.

Hi, was this issue ever addressed?  I just did an install on a 2006 Chrysler 300C SRT8 4/16/2017, and have been experiencing the same condition.  When locking the car via OEM remote(1x lock) immediately after turning the key off it will trigger a remote start command in the unit.  But if there is any kind of delay, like getting something out of the back seat, etc, etc (I'd say 30sec or more), then a 1x lock will NOT trigger a remote start command and just lock the doors normally as it should.  Exactly what Jim was describing way back then.  Any other time everything seems to work normally(3x lock triggers remote start and 1x lock just locks the doors/arm).  Any insight would be great, I am considering a rf kit as a work around but that is not actually addressing the issue.
Please try to enable option D1.1 (lock, unlock, lock) Flashlink Updater-2(sold separately) and Flashlink Manager requred) which will force the evo unit to look for a "lock, unlock, lock" signals before initiating remote starting.

What needs to be understood in these cases is that the evo ONLY waits for the right signals to remote start, if by pressing the lock button the on the oem keyfob it sends multiple lock signals then the evo will see that as a command to start the soon as it sees 3 consecutive lock signals.

Thank you,
enabling Lock-unlock-lock will fix this. The module is recognizing three lock presses during that short period of time so it is starting the car. You can tell this by looking at the BLUE led on the module. It should be flashing once per lock press (if it flashes 3 times during that short period, then the vehicule is tripling up on the network commands. The evo thinks you actually pressed three times).  Easily solved by enabling option D1.1 so that the start sequenec is lock-unlock-lock.
Thank you!!  That makes sense and explains clearly as to why this happens and I will have option D1.1 enabled.
Hi I've experienced this too on my 07 300c thought it was a failing Fob Battery making intermittent signal then reading this the timing of locking the car maybe falls into this, my setup is (connection F standalone with T-harness)  I'm using a cellular relay on the Yellow/Black wire to earth and I've not connected the lights, all works fine

you say D1.1 programming will sort this (lock unlock lock) will this actually unlock the car? If so can I remove the 3x press options and just use my phone to trigger the remote start? And forget the fob
You can turn off C1 and leave D1 on and this will make it so that only the yellow/black will start the car not the OEM remote.