Questions & Answers

2013 jeep compass evo all and tharness wont start

0 votes
Using evo-chrt5 install c I have installed all of the harness, not including the yellow/blk, brown/white, and dark blue. The unit seems to program properly but wobt start. The blue light comes on when I hit the lock button but nothing happens. The firmware version is 74-17 hardware version 6
asked Jan 11, 2015 in Jeep by Tyler Snodgrass (130 points)

1 Answer

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There's no options for 3x lock start selected in the unit.
answered Jan 12, 2015 by Robert T (304,330 points)
What do I have to do to make it work? I thought it was built in. I do have another car starter but I would rather the 3x lock
If you have a remote starter, you can connect it to the Evo All, you might have to connection B (wire to wire) if you do not have a compatible remote starter datalink protocol.

Or if you want 3x lock start, you will need to purchase a Flashlink-2 programmer and download the Flashlink manager program to be able to change options in the Evo All.