Questions & Answers

Length of time between key presses 3x remote

+1 vote
Ive found that there is a considerable amount of keystroke memmory in the evo all with the 3x remote start.

For instance, if i hit lock twice when i leave my car, some considerble time later i press lock one time, the car will still remote start. Is there a length of time when this times out and you have to hit lock 3 times again?
asked Dec 22, 2014 in Ford by Steven Wooke (210 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
On which vehicle ?
answered Dec 22, 2014 by Steven Wooke (85,210 points)
Time out after how many seconds?
we check every second after the first press and timeout after that. Please call support if you feel to have found a bug.
0 votes
It supposed to time out. Udpate the module to the latest firmware. No need to reprogram or anything. Just update, then plug her back in.
answered Dec 22, 2014 by Robert T (304,330 points)
Already on the latest firmware that's not a beta.  How long is the time out?

we check every second after the first press and timeout after that.