Questions & Answers

Is it a command start or tracker I found in my new truck

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I got a 2003 GMC Sierra 1500HD and found a box under the dash wiring a switch for a light bar. I just want to know if it's a tracker or aftermarket command start. If it's a tracker I want to completely remove it and if it's a command start I want to know how to program it for the oem fobs. It has DATA INTERFACE MODULE written on it as well as a service number witch is 000701034115
asked Oct 19, 2023 in GMC by Chanse Friesen (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

That is an int-sl, it is part of a remote startre module set up. It is there to replicate the chip in the key to allow remote start but it does not start the vehicle itself. There is a 2nd module under your dash, that would be the remote starter, it would take ts own remotes as well.

This int-sl is not a tracking module of any sort and has no gps function.

Best regards.
answered Oct 19, 2023 by derek g (359,100 points)