Questions & Answers

mitsubishi outlander 2020 pushstar

0 votes
my modulo se programa muy bien el problema que tengo esque no reconose las can 1 hight y low  no veo datos de imobilizador ..ise otras pruebasde salida de voltage como ignicion y star.y estan bien ay salida de voltage per el inmobilizador no manda la señal de bypas al inmo del carro..lo e echo muchas veces el procedimiento que ast me bloquearon el poder hacer el decryptor dice que mucho lo e intentado me gustaria me dieran el soporte tecnico para mi vehiculo ya le cambie 3 tipos de firware y lo e reiniciado y nada..numero de by pass

 sn-001a07  226844
asked Sep 6, 2021 in Mitsubishi by Gustavo Garcia (130 points)

1 Answer

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A reset for your dcryptor limit reached issue has been sent, please allow up to 24hours for the reset to be done.


86.07 firmware shows to be a stable FW for that vehicle according to our Dcryptor page.


Please master reset and reflash FW 86.07 set options and reprogram to vehicle and redcrypt 1x ONLY,

Once at this point, please latch all doors closed and attempt remote starting by pulsing YELLOW/BLACK wire (20 pin connector) to ground for 1-2 seconds and see if the vehicle will attempt to remote start.
answered Sep 7, 2021 by J M (64,270 points)