Questions & Answers

Bought an EvoAll from Amazon but there is no wire color activation key included

0 votes
There was nothing with any wire color activation key code or documentation of any kind. Serial number is 002b04 160873
asked Jun 22, 2021 in Toyota by nicholas roy (130 points)

1 Answer

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Installation guides can be downloaded on anytime without any activation key or log in.


If no key was included in your purchase I would reach out to the seller who sold you the product through amazon.


It also looks like your evo is not set up, You will nee the flash link updater ( and the flash link manager program ( in order to set the evo-one up for your specific vehicle. You will also get access to the instalation guides using the flash link once your module is set up.
answered Jun 22, 2021 by derek g (346,560 points)