Questions & Answers

Programming EVO-ONE to use MyCar telematics and RFK441

0 votes
Is it possible to have the MyCar and the RFK441 coexist?  It seems the answer is no.  I can have both the MyCar and the RFK441 programmed to the EVO-ONE.  And inidivually they will work and operate the EVO-ONE.  But if I plug in the RFK441 into the harness of the MyCar to have both of them attached to the EVO-ONE, only the RFK441 controls the EVO-ONE.  

If it is possible, what steps can be taken to make this happen.  Or do I need a different remote kit for this to work?

Thank you.

asked Mar 28, 2021 in FAQ by Jim (850 points)
edited Mar 28, 2021 by Jim

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Not at this time. It's one or the other for the moment.
answered Mar 29, 2021 by derek g (346,560 points)
selected Mar 29, 2021 by Jim
Thank you.

Is this something currently being worked on or planned ot be worked on in the near future?
There are plans to support both at the same time in the future. But I do not have an ETA on when that will be.
Any update on this?  There seems to be quite the demand for this configuration.
Still not supported at this time.
Amy changes yet to support this yet?