Questions & Answers

Audi Q5 Still not remote starting

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Completd programming and the decryption process. Key decryption says successful. The blue light flashes when I hit the lock button, but nothing after, car does not start. Is any light supposed to stay on after the 3rd lock button?  due to a q/a that stated the blue light not flashing indicates a data buss connection problem,  im assuming that the buss connections are ok because my blue light flashes with key fob lock button. noted that the 3rd brake light does not flash with unlocking button pushed.  i think it is normal due to not part of the flasher system.  brake lights function normally with pedal.  could the system be not functioning due to the brake switch tap.  can i get confirmation of the correct wire that needs taped from the brake switch.  of a way to confirm the input.  a picture of the wire that needs taped or at least a wire collor would help.

2012 Audi Q5

Module S/N 001A07152594
asked Feb 24, 2021 in Audi by todd telow (170 points)

1 Answer

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Your module is not set to be started with the factory remote. You will need to connect to the flashlink and enable option lock-lock-lock
answered Feb 24, 2021 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)