Questions & Answers

Factory alarm not disarming with remote start

+1 vote
Vehicle 2013 Ford Explorer

Remote Start / Alarm - Viper 5901

EVO All - with THAR FOR 1 T- harness

EVO All service # 001A06 265528

Current firmware 71.10

Everything works when the vehicle is disarmed. When factory alarm is set "ON" the remote start will start the car and then turn off imediately and the alarm goes off. I was told that I do not need option 12 selected to "ON" So I have not tried that with firmware 71.10. I did try it with firmware 71.11. I was also told to try firmware 71.05 but that did not work . Everything is hooked per the diagram for the THAR FOR 1
posté Jan 11, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Rick Roeder (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Rick,


What i find odd is that you should not see alarm issues when remote starting because the factory alarm will disarm when it sees transponder key and ignition. Which is why you do not need Option 12 activated. You should also not have the Viper programmed to unlock before and relock after start.


I'd be looking at this for now:

  • The orange wire of the EVO is what tells the EVO that the vehicle has a factory alarm. Make sure this wire is properly grounded. If you do not see the ignition turn on briefly when Locking the truck with the remote starter remote, this is directly related to that orange wire.
  • The door trigger connections may be reversed. This is the Green/White and Green/Red wires of the EVO.
répondu Jan 13, 2014 par Robert T (304,280 points)

the orange wire is hooked to ground. I also get the dash lifgts to flash when I arm the car with the viper remote. I also checked the wires hooked to the Driver Door Pin. I tried reversing the wires and still the same thing.
My mistake on the above. It is not the factory alarm going off but the Viper alarm going off and not disarming.  I hooked up the door pin wires together and currently do not have the green/white and the green/red wires hooked up. Is it possible that the module is bad? Hooking it up this way my viper remote is not arming the factory alarm.

The factory system can only arm properly once the connections to the door pin will be done. Thats the Green/red and Green/White wires.


It is not the factory alarm going off but the Viper alarm going off and not disarming.

Hmmmmm.... If your hitting the Vipers start button, it should be automatic the Viper itself will temporarily disarm/ignore the start sequence.

Do I need to direct wire the disarm out of the viper ( H2/1 Light Green/Black)to the disarm on the evo-all? That wire sends a negative pulse out of the Viper is disarm the factory alarm.  I will also hook the green/white and green/red wires back up to the door pin. I had to hardwire the brake out of the evo-all to the viper brake in so the  engine would shut down when the brake pedal was pushed after a remote start.    So if I undertand this right, when the vehicle is alarmed the viper alarm and the factory alarm will be on. When you hit the remote start on the viper, the viper alarm will disarm and it should send a signal to the evo-all to disarm the factory alarm through the D2D bus. If the viper is not sending the disarm signal to the evo-all then the vehicle will turn off such is my case?

When you hit the remote start on the viper, the viper alarm will disarm and it should send a signal to the evo-all to disarm the factory alarm through the D2D bus. If the viper is not sending the disarm signal to the evo-all then the vehicle will turn off such is my case?

Something like this yes. You shouldnt have to worry about disarming the vehicle when remote starting because the vehicle disarms itself when it sees key transponder and ingition turn on. Both those turn on when activating the remote starter.

I had to hardwire the brake out of the evo-all to the viper brake in so the  engine would shut down when the brake pedal was pushed after a remote start.

This leads me to think something is not working correctly with the datalink protocol (D2D). I'd recommend forgetting completely about datalink (D2D) and just wiring the rest of the connections from the EVO to the remote starter like you already did for the foot brake output.

  • To get rid of datalink, just cut the Blue and White wires from the datalink connector. (4-Pin black connector)
  • On the Purple and Purple/White wires of the EVO, ONLY connect the Lock and Unlock from the Viper. Do not use the ARM and DISARM wires of the VIper.

If the viper is not sending the disarm signal to the evo-all then the vehicle will turn off such is my case?

I forgot to add, the RED LED should be turning on when you hit the start button.

Do I still hook the unlock  wire from the viper to the Yellow /Violet wire on the BCM as shown in the THAR-FOR 1 diagram?
Yes, leave the unlock of the Viper to the vehicle but also connect the Purple/white of the EVO to the Viper unlock.

Why? because when you unlock the vehicle you want the EVO to disarm the vehicles factory alarm.