Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL TOYOTA VENZA 2010 PTS Not remote start.

+2 votes
I did everything according to the guide # 8611, block programmed. Then, when I press the "lock" button 3 times on the key, the ignition turns on but the car will not start. Starter does not turn. 
What could be wrong? 
Where to connect the wire yellow / black (A13)?
Regards, Konstantin.
posté Jan 11, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par Ten Ten (250 points)

2 Réponses

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Meilleure réponse
The yellow/black does not connect anywhere and is not required for remote starting. It only acts as a switch to activate the remote starter.


What firmware do you currently have? Have you update the EVO to the latest Toyota/Lexus firmware?
répondu Jan 13, 2014 par Robert T (305,430 points)
élue Juin 3, 2014 par Robert T
EVO-ALL TOYOTA VENZA 2010 PTS Not remote start.
Problem solved ! Was poor contact white / red
wire ( D6 ) on the steering column lock . connected to
7 pin black connector on the left of the ignition button under the steering column . 4 pin violet wire (-). D5 wire white / blue connect to ground. Everything. EVO- AL works ! Thank you !
0 votes

I am writting here because I also have a 2010 Venza with PTS but I am not doing the stand alone install. I am also having problems remote starting but I have my own post here. I want to be aware of this solution just in case it may help me also. Thanks
répondu Jan 12, 2014 par William2 (1,630 points)