Questions & Answers

Proper modules for 2013 VW GTI std key manual trans

0 votes
I want to make sure I purchase the correct devices for a smooth install. My understanding is that because I have a manual transmission, I need the Evo-One, TB VW transponder bypass, Flashlink Updater 2, 7.5amp fuse, and relay.

Can anyone confirm the Flashlink Updater 2 is needed as opposed to the latest Flashlink Updater 4?

No T-Harness available for 2013 VW GTI standard key yet?

Is it compatible with the Prestige PE2LCDZ 2-way remote transmitter kit key fob flashlogic RF start 1 mile? If not, is there any adapter that would enable compatiblity with the prestige RF kit?

Thank you for your help!!
posté Fev 7, 2020 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Oliver Marston (180 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

EVO-ONE + TB-VW + Flash Link (the flash link 4 is the latest version)

Not compatible with Prestige RF-KITs. It is not in their compatibility list nor in fortins list


Other option would be 

EVO-ALL + TB-VW + Flash Link + A Prestige remote starter (or any other third party remote starter of your choice)

répondu Fev 7, 2020 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Appreciate the advice. Evo-all doesn't appear to support manual transmissions for my vehicle though, and fortin tech support simply advised to have it professionally installed. Fortunately, Voxx support turner out to be very helpful, was able to get everything else needed to complete the full security and remote start install with the prestige 1 mile 2 way kit for about $100.

EVO-ALL in a STAND ALONE setup cannot be used on manual transmission vehicles.


EVO-ALL in the setup mentionned only acts as a interface module for the key bypass and CAN-BUS. The remote starter used with it is what will manage automatic/manual transmission compatibility.
