Questions & Answers

ftx 64 remote will not unlock 2013 f150

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Ive installed the evo all with the t-harness and the ftx 64 remote. I can remote start the truck with the fortin remote. The module locks the doors after the remore start. It monitors the door pin. It will shut the truck down with the fortin remote. I can un lock the doors with the fortin remote but the truck will not lock with the fortin lock button. It arms the factory alarm but does not move the locks.
posté Jan 7, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par jacob whatley (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Both lock and unlock are wired connections. I would veirfy the outputs and connections to the vehicle. 

répondu Jan 7, 2020 par derek g (359,100 points)