Questions & Answers

2017 Civic EVO-ONE/T-Harness with siren

0 votes
I have an EVO-ONE installed in a 2017 Civic LX coupe, conventional key, manual trans, with T-harness (THAR-ONE-HON2  12-B1).  The remote-start/bypass/alarm all work properly.

It's my understanding the brown wire on the T-harness (the one with the fuse) from the ignition harness can be used for a siren.  What settings do I need to enable to make this work?

Right now, when the siren is connected and I crank the car the siren goes off continuously.


posté Dec 7, 2019 dans la catégorie Honda par Jeffrey Ingber (750 points)
modifié Dec 7, 2019 par Jeffrey Ingber

2 Réponses

0 votes
BTW:  I'm using the horn (-) output for the horn.  My intenetion is to run both a horn and siren, if possible.
répondu Dec 7, 2019 par Jeffrey Ingber (750 points)
0 votes

option 12.3 for +siren on that brown wire (it will say white in the description since the generic evo-one harness is white)


Right now, when the siren is connected and I crank the car the siren goes off continuously.

You need to disarm/unlock before starting your car if the alarm feature is enabled.

répondu Dec 9, 2019 par Robert T (304,280 points)