Questions & Answers

Can't get EVO GMT3 to work, can get to Step 5 with Yellow & Red lights blinking, only wired, unlock, lock, cansw wires

0 votes
fermer avec la note: 2 open threads for same vehicle
posté Mai 28, 2018 dans la catégorie GMC par Jazz Grewal (190 points)
fermé Mai 30, 2018 par J M

1 Réponse

0 votes
Try this for me:

- Plug in only the red connector to the evo, then start the car with the key and let it run for 30-45 seconds.

- From this point forward do not unplug the red connector.

- Turn truck off, remove key from cylinder and leave truck sit for 1 minute.

- Now try the programming procedure listed in the guide.
répondu Mai 28, 2018 par derek g (359,350 points)
Did you try the above mentioned steps?
Sorry, yes I did try these steps and I was able to complete EVO programming process but now I cant remote start I only get one light when pressing lock even if I press lock key 3 times. And when I press unlock no light shows up on EVO