Questions & Answers

Want to connect Evo All to VIPER 5901 AND Smart Start.....Need help with Install

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I have my EVO ALL in my 15 RAM. I have a Viper 5901 that I want to ADD to it. I know the 3 main wires are the power and the Ground, and the hood Pin. I thought connecting the 4 pin connector to the Viper brain would be the start but I cant get the Antennae to flash. I took the EVO ALL module ot to Flash if but Im not Sure if I'm to turn it OFF because the 5901 would be recieving the signal and sending it to the EVO or not. Am i on the right track? Also how do I add the Smart Start modual......I prefer to do things myself and avoid $300 to add this Thanks in advance.
posté Avr 1, 2018 dans la catégorie Ram par Karl Ford (310 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the evo?


What guide number have you followed for the installation process?

First page upper right hand corner will give you the guide number.
répondu Avr 2, 2018 par derek g (359,100 points)
I’m using the 74001....
We spoke on the phone. Let me know how you make out.