Questions & Answers

2011 outlander wont start 3x oem fob

0 votes
I just installed evo one in a mitsubishi outlander 2011 push start  w oem alarm, the programing went well,but when i push the oem lock 3 times wont start, i did the troubleshoting and i dont see a red light when i lock it three times, i don't  know if i flash it right ,if i have to reflash it, do i have to program it every time i plug it again to the car?
posté Mar 24, 2018 dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par MILTON DURANGO (160 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
I just installed on a tundra with the same issue. mine will start fine when I push the lock 4 times. do not understand why the 3 is not working
répondu Mar 24, 2018 par vince salassi (150 points)
Vince, You are probably pressing the button two fast, slow down the rate at wich you are pressing lock.
0 votes
Milton, You have not enabled the 3x lock options. You need to turn on option 38.2 in the remote starter settings. then hit save and re test.


Also is your vehicle an outlander or is it the outlander sport?
répondu Mar 26, 2018 par derek g (357,930 points)
Thanks, It is sport and I'm pretty sure i did, I'll double check.