Questions & Answers

Diode installation question

0 votes
On the stand alone installation instructions it shows 3 diodes being used on 3 ignition wires. So all 3 diodes need to be combined together and then soldered to -Ignition wire from the evo all?
posté Aout 25, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par Justin Chang (690 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
one wire split into 3 legs with a diode on each leg of each wire.
répondu Aout 25, 2017 par derek g (359,350 points)
How would you recommend splittling ome wire into 3 legs? By dividing the wire strands to 3 portions or by adding additional three wires to it?
You misunderstand,


3 diodes, twist all 3 cathodes together and connect to the (-) igntion output wire of evo( this is assuming you are working on a nissan rogue, if not consult guide)

This will leave you with 3 anodes to connect separately to each (-) ignition wire of the vehicle as shown in the installation guide.


Thank you,