Questions & Answers

Jetta 2012 central powered lock but no module neither fob will it work?

0 votes
Hi I would like to know if fortin product would work on my car I have a volkswagen jetta 2012 with powered lock but i've called the dealer and they told me my car doesent have any receptor module in it ...  so will it work ?

If it's working what produt should i buy and do i need any special tools in order to install it ?
posté Aout 17, 2017 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par alex mas (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What exactly do you wish to have? Only  remote keyless entry? Or remote starting?


Thank you,
répondu Aout 17, 2017 par J M (64,060 points)
I would like to have remote keyless entry only , Im not enven sure if i need a bypass module for it.
If you don't have OEM remotes, the you can install a fortin module BUT you will also need an aftermarket RF kit to be able to control your doorlocks remotely.


Thank you,