Questions & Answers

Do I have to re-program the data and transponder of my Evo All if I remove it from the vehicle to change the options?

+2 votes
I would like to hook up a dsm200 module to my Evo All w/ the T harness in my 2013 Ford F-150. If I remove the Evo All from the truck to make sure the options are correct do I have to re-program the data and transponder settings again when I put it back in?
posté Nov 10, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Albert Sullivan2 (170 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
No! Once the programming is done and has been sucesfully learned you do not need to re program if you unplug it to change options! What the module learned is stored in its memory and is only erased if you master reset the module or change firmware.
répondu Nov 10, 2015 par derek g (357,980 points)
+1 vote
Please make sure that the latest firmware is flashed to your unit or the DSM200 will not be able to communicate via datalink in D2D protocol, if the latest does not work you can also try 0.32
répondu Nov 10, 2015 par J M (64,120 points)