Questions & Answers

Wire Location Of Mitsubishi Outlander sport

0 votes
2011 Misubish Outlander Sports USA. Can Bus Hi & Low was show Above the Glove Box, and Starter, Ignition, Constant 12V  at Steering Column.  Is there a differece locaion for Access these wires.
posté Sept 3, 2015 dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par DANG TRUONG (280 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Wire locartions given are what we did when we tested the vehicle. Obvioulsy the wires may be accessible elsewhere but please follow the installation guide. What`s in the installation guide is the only way we can guarantee proper remote start.

Note: Start, Ignition and Accessory is always taken at the ignition barrel on all `key`model vehicles.
répondu Sept 3, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
+1 vote
Take a look at the guide for Mitsubishi RVR. The can wires are below the fusebox and should be the same in your outlander sport.
répondu Sept 4, 2015 par Robert T (85,210 points)
I don't think you are looking at the right guide, because as Mathieu stated on both guides for the evo-all and evo-one for your vehicle the can bus wires are on the driver's side fusebox on a white 24 pin connector.