Questions & Answers

Polarity of cable that wraps the key and ignition barrel on the Evo ALL for Subaru?

0 votes
For reference Guide# 3034 and connection #5

I just bought an EVO-ALL but don't have it yet and want to know if you can you tell me the polarity of the cable that wraps the key and ignition barrel on the Evo ALL for Subaru? Is it a negative signal or positive? and is the same signal on both pins correct?

Thank you
posté Oct 20, 2014 dans la catégorie Subaru par William2 (1,630 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The key wrap is a low current data signal. It's basically grabbing the transponder signal from the chip in your key and transmitting it to the factory receiver. Key wrap is acting as an antenna more than anything else. The 2-pin connector on the EVO basically closes the circuit when activating the remote starter.
répondu Oct 20, 2014 par Robert T (304,210 points)
How to connect the cable that wraps the key cylinder to the EVO-ALL