Questions & Answers

Is there a solution for a 2014 Camry XLE V6 to install a remote start that does not shut off when door is opened?

+2 votes
Is there a solution for a 2014 Camry XLE V6 to install a remote start that does not shut off when door is opened?

I am looking for a remote start solution that will allow me to start the car once remotely, unlock/disarm the door, open the door, perform a takeover, and drive away.

The solutions I have seen so far do not support a takeover, and the car shuts down if any doors are opened, which I find very annoying.

Please let me know if your company has a solution! Thank you.
posté Nov 12, 2013 dans la catégorie Toyota par Robert Sheehy (150 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Robert,


The vehicles electrical platform changed in 2012 and because of this, the only way to remote start the vehicle would be with the no-key-take-over solution.
répondu Nov 13, 2013 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Where can I get more details on the "no-key-take-over solution"?