Questions & Answers

2023 tundra no remote start chirp or flashing lights

0 votes
I finaly got it installed and working and when when remote start acivates theres no flashing lights or horn chirp  to signify its the truck has started.  I went through wizard mode to program then went to pro mode looking for a setting. What settings are supposed to be activated to get  the confirmation that remote start is engagiing/engaged. Ive had fortin evo one  remote start in my jeep  and the brake and side marker lights flashed when engaging and horn honked for 1/2 second when doors locked( i would think it would chirp on tundra
posté depuis 2 semaines dans la catégorie Toyota par mc141 (490 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

The horn is not going to honk on this vehicle when remote starting.

Parking lights wont flash but they should come on during remote start.

What is the S/N number to the evo-one? What t-harness was used on this vehicle?

Thank you.
répondu depuis 2 semaines par derek g (359,100 points)
Module evo-one

serial 002b04327727

t harnes is THAR-ONE-TOY16
Do the parking lights turn one once its remote started?
nope no lights. only way i know its on is if i listen to it start up as its loud enough for the first few seconds to hear at window otherwise i have to look at the tail pipe for the steam coming out.
parking lights only come on if i start the vehicle with the ignition switch