Questions & Answers

SKIM Removed

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I have a 2004 Dodge Durango with the SKIM removed. The factory key fobs no longer work because of this. I want to Install a remote starter EVO-0ne with the RFK441.  With the remote start work, and will the lock and unlock buttons on the RFK441 work?
posté Jan 24 dans la catégorie Dodge par Gerald Stevenson (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Please be aware that you risk re activating the immobilizer in the vehicle if you programan evo product to the vehicle. So proceed at your own risk. Make sure when you configure the evo you turn OFF A3 - key bypass.


The evo-one gets its door lock codes during the in vehicle programming by pressing lock on the OEM remote. Since this is no longer possible you can press the programming button which will result in the evo-one sending "generic" codes for lock/unlock, these may work or they may not work, if they dont you would need to hardwire the door locks from the module to the vehicle.


You would need the following parts for remote start and keyless entry:

- evo-one-442 or evo-one-441

- thar-chr5

- flash link updater

- 1x relay

- 1x 1.5K ohm resistor


Best regards.

répondu Jan 27 par derek g (357,980 points)