Questions & Answers

How can I find out what info should appear on my app and what the different icons do?

0 votes
I finally got my Evo one and Evo start setup but had a couple of questions.  Above the lock/unlock and start buttons are a row of icons that I don't know exactly what they do. Also my fuel shows 0% and my milage shows 0.7m.  Any ideas?

posté Nov 20, 2024 dans la catégorie Audi par Kcamacho (470 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Fuel is not supported on this vehicle so it will not show up.

Milage is the milage since the unit was installed, I believe you can edit this under, settings>terminal settings>function settings then tap the odo to change the milage.

The icons you see are for status, engine will say stop when its off, arm icon with show dis arm when its unlocked, close is for the doors open/close status, trunk close/open status.


Best regards.
répondu Nov 21, 2024 par derek g (357,930 points)
Perfect thanks for your help.  I wasn't sure if they were actual buttons that had a function.  System works great so far, I've only played with it a couple of days.  

One more thing I noticed is that when a door is open it only shows the driver door being open even if it's a rear door.  Is the device supposed to notify which door is left open or is it a general door open notification?

Thanks again.
No problem, glad it is all working for you.


At this time all doors will only appear as 1 door in the app, hopefully in future updates each individual door will be supported and displayed through the app icon.