Questions & Answers

Unable to bind Evo-All with Evo start application

0 votes
Hello! I have Evo-All module installed on my Audi A4 2018. The module works perfectly. However, I tried to install Evo Start application on my cellfone and application asks me Terminal ID to bind with it. THe seral on the module is 001A07011127. I tried to enter this in different combinations but nothing is working. Also, I unable to scan q-code, I always get a message Camera access denied. When I scan code outside of application, it shows 001A07 011127,7,03/2019.
posté Oct 24, 2023 dans la catégorie Audi par (130 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

In order to use evo start lte you need to purchase an evo-start-lte module.


It is not simply an app that you download and it is not part of the evo-all module either. It is its own module that gets added to the system.


Best regards.
répondu Oct 24, 2023 par derek g (357,930 points)