Questions & Answers

Wiring diagram wrong - after 48hrs blocked from wiring info

+4 votes

Reason I purchased a FORTIN EVO-ALL was so I wouldn't have to go into drivers door to tie into LOCK and UNLOCK wires.

Is the below correct?

92 & 94 state, or should I say make NO mention of EVO-ALL being able to control via the CAN-BUS locking/arming, unlocking/disarming the vechile.

PS: As I'm using the Activation card, that ONLY allows access to this site for  48hrs???? please e-mail me.


92 Lock & Arm


In Driver Door Module


94 Unlock & Disarm


In Driver Door Module


PS: I may have missed it, but FORTIN needs to rethink the 48hr time limit that begins when you activate a ACTIVATION CARD - in addtion you need to increase (Or better yet do any with the 48hr time limit.)

1: Make it at least 7 days.

2: "Timer" should not start if activation code entered after BUSINESS hrs. (hours tech support is not availble.)

EG: You activate late Friday PM for example the timer should not start until Monday morning.

3: You need to amend below page, it does not mention the 48hr time limit. Unless you click thru, read the fine print at ColorWire impression is you can access the site for that (1 vechile) at ANY time in the future.

4: This page needs to be amended, make it CLEAR without having to click thru you are only allowed 48rs.

5: You need to make a option to download ALL the info as a PDF, as it is now customer has to be computer tech savy enough to be able to create a PDF.

BTW: you need to make PDF with hot links to to pics, when I created a PDF it resulted in a document with:

A: No hot links to pic.

B: Number assoicated with pic was incorrect.



posté Avr 14, 2013 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Al Williams (210 points)

1 Réponse

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Hi Al Williams,

Reason I purchased a FORTIN EVO-ALL was so I wouldn't have to go into drivers door to tie into LOCK and UNLOCK wires.

The EVO-ALL will cover door locks on the vehicle. The install guide  for EVO-ALL covers this, as stated in the compatible features on for the Entourage.

3: You need to amend below page, it does not mention the 48hr time limit. Unless you click thru, read the fine print at ColorWire impression is you can access the site for that (1 vechile) at ANY time in the future.

It does mention it under the question: Once I use my activation key to unlock a vehicle how long is it valid for? Once an activation key is used to unlock a vehicle, that vehicle is available from your account for 2 days.

4: This page needs to be amended, make it CLEAR without having to click thru you are only allowed 48rs.

Under the "Single Use Token" coloumn it clearly states; "48 hours on a single vehicle".

Concerning making a .pdf copy without needing a .pdf writer installed on the computer. Any subscription based plan (ie; Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze subscriptions), have access to download the vehicle as a .pdf. Unfortunatelty this feature is not available for single use tokens. Hot links in the pdf are something we will look into for the future. 


répondu Avr 15, 2013 par Robert T (304,330 points)
élue Avr 18, 2013 par Robert T
By the way you talk I assume you work for FORTIN/WireColor.

The info is given in the spirit of improving the user experience with FORTIN products.

Info given on on items # 92 and 94 conflicts /is incorrect /and or is incomplete with what is shown in the install guide, and the feature chart shown on for the Entourage, hence my concern.

(Makes me wonder what else may be incorrect.) on 92 and 94 make no mention of the EVO-ALL controlling 92 & 94 as of 2013-04-14.

Check #92 and 94 again.
Better yet -get the info amended and e-mail me a copy of it.


On the ACTIVATION CARD (not a single use token)

You are correct, on the FORTIN site it states 2-days... "IF" you scroll down, and "IF" you click the "READ MORE" button on the WireColor site.

From the page in which you enter the ACTIVATION CODE on

Activation Key

Enter a 16 character activation key:

"What is this?

    Activation keys are printed on a 5" x 3" card (shown left) included with select Fortin bypass and interface modules.
    An activation key can be used to unlock the wiring information and photographs for this vehicle.
    Once an activation key is used it is automatically assigned to your account so you do not need to re-enter your activation key when you revisit this vehicle."

Q: Do you see a mention of a time limit in the above?

What I'm saying is both sites should make it CLEAR before a customer "ACTIVATES" the "ACTIVATION CARD" that customer only was a limited time frame to access the content.

(Actually once the code is registered- there should be NO time limit.)

Site mentions costs, well 99.999% of customers once they get the info they seek aren't going to be "logging in" and accessing the database for THAT particular vehicle code is tied to. Since the ACTIVATION CODE is only for (1) vehicle I don't see the "cost"  /or time limit justification.


Here's my experience:

Before I recap:
Imagine you have 100+ webpages pulled up at any one time, get probably 200 e-mails a day, and the phones are ringing off the hook.

While FORTIN EVO-ALL is in route registered on

Unit comes in day or so later, log-in and enter ACTIVATION CODE on the CARD.


Upon entering code off card and hitting the "enter key" IIRC no "warning messages" are given prior to code being run thru that code once processed has a (very) limited lifespan.

Site does mention that you won't have to enter the "Activation Code" on each visit as it has been PERMANENTLY  tied to your account.

(This gives the impression "CODE" does not have a time limit.  
Impression given is you create a account, enter YOUR activation code and at anytime in the future IF you need access to the info again you can access it. )

Once logged in, go to page for vehicle.

Sort of surprised to see there is NOT a option to download a PDF of the info.
Surprised again by items #92 and 94 not matching what is shown in the install manual.

Next surprise is once PDF is created, hot links to pics go away, and  that I'm going to have to rename each of the pics as they are out of order /don't link properly. (Great)

At some point I see a countdown timer of some sort but attribute this to  being a SESSION TIMER in which it auto logs up OFF after so many minutes of activity.

It's late so I log off.

Figure I'll access the site later, recreate a PDF, renumber pics, etc.

During a visit to site next day, Notice the "time" on the "SESSION TIMER" does not correlate to how long I've be logged in.

 It is only at that point that I realize you only get 48hrs.

I'm then thinking, Ok the wiring info is WRONG... FORTIN site says one thing, WireColor says another.


I'll modify the "What is this" section under the activation entry to help clarify the 48 hour limit.

Thanks for your feedback!
I am installing my second fortin bypass
on a different car.
AS MY FIRST VISIT I had the misfortune of looking at the sight and not knowing the above rules it took a second ticket to do the first install.
I agree with th above sugestions and think if your going to charge for this info
at least allow a month in case a new customer is sampiling your site not all capable people are profesional installers and only work on weekends
If your time on a vehicle has expired, we are not going to go full boot camp on you. We`re here to help find wires in a hay stack (which is a little easier then finding that damned needle).

Sometimes we`ll even find you wiring we do not even list (depending on our access to said vehicle).

Feel free to email us when a card time runs out.  or me directly

Make sure to add some information as well, such as:
- vehicle info
- Fortin Bypass used (and service number written on the back of the bypass)
- key code of single use token used