Questions & Answers

Can I buy remotes to use with an 9 year old EVO-ALL?

0 votes
Hi all, I have a 2011 Honda Civic that has a Fortin Orbit OBF 3400/2400 with EVO-ALL Vr. 2.4.18 and Start Vr: 3.1.11 and a FMH 2-W antenna (


The remotes have both stopped working, replaced batteries but no chirps, no LED. I've been trying to find replacements, however these remotes have basically disappeared. My question is, can I get other remotes and program them with this setup? I'm having a hard time understanding which remotes can work with this. For instance, can I use this remote?


Any other suggestions anyone might have is welcome.


posté Juil 13, 2023 dans la catégorie Honda par Karim Tahan (280 points)

1 Réponse

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Please provide the S/N on the back of the unit and I will advise.


Best regards.
répondu Juil 13, 2023 par derek g (359,100 points)
élue Juil 13, 2023 par Karim Tahan
Thanks for your response, SN: 002803009304
Yes the rfk441 rf kit can work on your system. You could go with the rfk442 if you wanted 2 way.

The original remotes you are refering to for the obf system have been discontinued for some time now.

Other options would be:


- ftx641w

- ftx642w

- ftx841w

- ftx941w


Best regards.