Questions & Answers

2019 Nissan Versa Note RF Kit Programming Option for flashlink manager

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Hi there, 

    I am trying to get my RFK912 remotes to work on my nissan versa note but i don't know what option to choose in the Flashlink mannger. Everytime i go to look at the options flashlink manager advices me that wizard mode isnt avibaile for my vechile of choice and and tells me to go to the pro mode. In the pro mode i don't see an option to choose the kinda of anttenta that i have.
posté Sept 19, 2022 dans la catégorie Nissan par Alex Choate (1,810 points)
ré-ouvertes Sept 19, 2022 par Alex Choate

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
If it is an evo-one module you are using there is no option needed for the rf kit. The evo one is designed to accept fortin remotes out of the box.


Simply plug the antenna into the small blue port and then follow the in vehicle rf kit programming procedure (page 2):


Best Regards.
répondu Sept 19, 2022 par derek g (357,930 points)
élue Sept 19, 2022 par Alex Choate
Thank you, also what option do i choose for the evo to flash the parking lights and unlock with the rf remote/
Assuming your vehicle is a key start model and that you used the large white wire on the main 6 pin connector of the evo one for your parking light connection. You would set option 31.4 in the remote starter options list.