Questions & Answers

Chevrolet Captiva Euro 2015 interligent key

0 votes
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a Chevrolet Captiva 2017 with smartkey, I was copy onemore smartkey and it look like captiva 2015 euro. Smartkey part number is 95137227 433.92MHz PCF7952A. Can I use this product for my car?

I have Flashlink Mobile and I made Fortin Evo All for Mazda Cx5, Cx8, Honda CRV

If Fortin Evo All for Chevrolet captiva 2015 interligent key can make for my car. I will ask my daughter order for me. I can read wiring diagram
posté Aout 3, 2022 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Hieu Luong (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Fortin does not currently offer a solution for the 2017 chevrolet captiva intelligent key.
répondu Aout 3, 2022 par derek g (358,800 points)
If I buy this product for Captiva Euro 2015, and I have Flash Link mobile. Do you have any guide to set up?
No. Fortin does not currently support the 2017 chevrolet captiva intelligent key
I try to program for my friend, it's a captiva 2015
I will check to see if guides are available for the 2015 intelli key. I will post it here if they are indeed available.
The only solution offered for that vehicle is evo-key.


You would still need a remote starter as the evo key is not a remote starter


This would be the applicable guide for evo-key.