Questions & Answers

Unlock before trunk release?

0 votes
I've chosen to enable the A12 feature for enabling unlock before trunk release the problem I'm having on my 2006 Dodge charger RT when this feature is enabled is the trunk only releases instead of unlocking all doors first and triggers an alarm once the trunk is fully opened, but once closed the doors lock in succession.

Is this a bug and if not are there some steps I can take to fix it? My unit is evo all 2021 model T-harness is CHRT5 and I'm using my OEM key fob w(x2 press trunk release)
posté Juil 5, 2022 dans la catégorie Dodge par Kevoné (530 points)
modifié Juil 5, 2022 par Kevoné

1 Réponse

+1 vote
What is the S/N number to the module?


This is located on the back of the module itself.
répondu Juil 5, 2022 par derek g (358,800 points)
SN: 001A07 233581
Just so I can understand the issue clearly.


When you open the trunk using the OEM remote, your alarm goes off?

Does this happen when the vehicle is remote started? or when the vehicle is off?


Looking at your options, have you also wired in the evo-all as an aftermarket alarm?
So when I press the button on my key fob twice the trunk releases but my turn signals don't flash twice confirming the doors were unlocked but when I reach for the trunk to open it it triggers the standalone alarm
No it never happens when the vehicle is started It starts and shuts down successfully without trigger It's all standalone remote start and alarm system
Turn off option A13 and re test please.


It maybe that the evo does not monitor the oem signal for trunk release, since this feature is not listed in the guide.


when you send the trunk signal from the oem remote, what do the led's on the evo-all do?
I just came back from testing it The blue light flashes twice when I press the trunk button.
"Turn off option A13 and re test please."
Also turn on A10 and test again please.
The doors still only lock when the trunk is closed but when the trunk is released there is no unlock confirmation however I'm not getting the trigger unless I'm not waiting long enough to let the car fully arm itself

Still no trigger after having waited

A13 is disabled in A10 is enabled
the doors are not going to unlock before you open the trunk.


It is normal for the system to have to arm itself before doing the test, normally 15-30 seconds.


Please take a video of your issue and submit it to


Also please provide the entire vin number to the vehicle along with the video.


Thank you.
Thank you very much