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Check engine light on after remote start, low fuel warning light, AWD malfuction

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On DEC.8, 2021 I posted my question "H-KEY 2020 TOYOTA RAV4 LE EVO ONE WITH T-HARNESS REMOTE STARTER INSTALLED - SYSTEM MALFUNCTION" and got answer. I did what recommand to do, evnen hardwiring CAN HIGH/LOW  two wires and use RAV4 CAN connector plugged in ECU, no luck.

My rav4 remote start problem more like this after a few weeks oberservation

  • Use OEM remote or RFK442 remote, the low fuel yellow light show up after remote started, When going in the car, key in the key cylinder and turne to ON position, press brake, key taking over. The yellow low fuel light disappear, and fuel display needle moving up to level.
  • After a few times remote starting, when you try another remote starting, the check engine light show up, and screen also shwing "AWD System Malfuntion. 2WD Mode Engaged, Visit you r dealer"

The CHECK ENGINE light was P2067: generic fuel level sensor "B" circuit low. I am wondering that low fuel level sensor B dosen't powered up  when remote started, then ECU set the CHECK  ENGINE light. I reset it by OBDII, but it keep coming. If no remote starting, RAV4 going normal by the OEM key and no warning light.

Is this could be a communication issue between EVO ONE and RAV4 ? The IGNITION signal from EVO ONE should go power up fuel level sensor B when remote starting, but it doesn't. 

Any idea? Could you please look at 2020 RAV4 LE AWD(Canadian version) wiring diagram, see how.

Thanks in advance! 


posté Jan 5, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par Matthew Lee (240 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Sounds like something isnt properly clipped in or there is a loose pin.


You issue sounds like it stems from the install itself.


I would remove the t-harness, return vehicle back to stock and see if error messages go away, if they do, you need to go over your work.
répondu Jan 6, 2022 par derek g (359,350 points)
In my casse, if no remote starting, there is no warning light. Using OEM key starting, everything is normal, RAV4 driving great.

Thanks Derek. I'll try remove T-Harness,
I removed T-Harness, re-connected TPMS and IMI wires for RAV4, no remote starter, back original Toyota RAV4. Driving three rounds in the twon yesterday, no low fuel warning light, no checck engine light, RAV4 going great.

I checked my truck remote starting( AUTOstart starter): the fuel gauge needle moving up to level as soon as remote started, no warning light.

So, Derek, I don't know other 2019+RAV4 LE H-key vehicle having same problem with Fortin remote start? for my case, seems the ignition command from EVO-ONE didn't finish all the work, leave the fuel level sensor B no power(+12V). That's why the warning light came on, gauge needle not moving.

Could you please look at fuel sensor B wiring diagramm, see how it get power.
I have no reports of this issue on any rav4 vehicles at this time.


The only other thing I can suggest at this time is to call into technical support to go over your installation with a tech on the phone so see if we can determine any loose, bent pins or possible set up or configuration issues.




I would suggest having additional parts on hand incase we need to swap our module/harness.


Also you shold have access to the flash link updater incase a firmware change is required.


Best Regards.
Ok, Derek, I'll call tech support,

The problem still here.

Called TECH SURPPORT, the guy said that check connection. This is a eazy answer every body can say but not solve problem.

All other functions from remote start are working good except this "low fuel warning light"  triggeded each remote starting.

What time Fortin has new version show up?
Easy test, start the vehicle normally.

Activate remtoe starter (Idle mode)

Turn off vehicle one key position at a time,

if fuel light turn on at a specific key postiion, it sounds like the IGNITION wires are not being powered up correctly

Please provide the SN number of the module and what tharness is being used
OK. I'll do the test tomorrow and let you know the result.

SN: 002B04203848


Thanks Jesus Monroy!

Hi Jesus, I did the test as you said:

  • Normal start car with the key: car has no any warning light, normal;
  • Press START key on remote, car goes into IDLE mode: after about 7 seconds the yellow" low fuel level warning light" came on and fuel gauge needle moved to  E (empty) while the key still in RUN/IGNITION position.
yeah the results of your test confirms its not coming from the ignition wires since you never turned off the key.


please start the vehicle normally and either cut the white/red or white/green from the red connector and let us know if the issues present itself
I'll try cut one of TPMS wire as you said this weekend,

Thanks Jesus.

Hi Jesus,

I did the one TPMS wire cut when car started with the key as you said. The "low fuel level warning light" came on as soon as I cut the wire.

Now it is clear In my case seems like the two TPMS wires is not connected inside EVO ONE when remote started the car,

So, what is next step?


'll double check the TPMS wire used for remoe starter.

For my undersdanding that TPMS wire used in remote starting  is for OEM remote functioning when vechicle remote started. My Toyota  remote is working good as it should be while remote started. In this point I choosen the correct  vehicle TPMS wire.


Hi Jesus Monroy,

I checked the TPMS wire on my RAV4: it is correct. Passenger side kick panel, blue connector pin 12 wire, light green.

HI, Jesus M

Could you please check "wire color" for 2020 TOYOTA LE H-key, See where is the "FUEL LEVEL SENSOR B" wire and color. I can compare with TPMS wire to make sure use correct wire. My wire color access expired long time agao.


I did this test for my RAV4, the result is that there was no "low fuel level warning light" while remote started and fuel gauge needle moved up.right way.

what i did:

  • Cut the two TPMS wires at EVO-ONE, joint together for RAV4 side.
  • Remote Started RAV4 from OEM/RFK remote.
  • Showing "No low fuel level light" and fuel level gauge needle moved up right way.
  • Key take over and drving for coulpe miles, RAV4 running normal.. 

Question: Is this (the problem with EVO -ONE in remote start) the Fortin software issue?
