Questions & Answers

RF remote starts/stops, but wont lock/unlock

0 votes
2012 Ford Focus SE

Bought a evo-all a year ago from a guy who plug and plays them and pre programs them. I recently bought a RFK411 RF remote and it wasnt pairing. I turned key to on position(not on) and light wouldnt blink. only when the key goes half in the ignition. He told me to send it in and he will reflash it. I bought my own flash module and flashed it myself. After reflashing I went to set it up and same stuff. This last time I left key half way in and it stayed blinking. Paired remotes and both start and stop the car. Tried locking and unlocking wiht them, and nothing happens. Hopping someone can help, Thanks!
posté Dec 10, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Hunter Neumann (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Did you connect the wires for lock and unlock? If not, that is why it is not working.


installation guides can be found here outlining door lock connections:
répondu Dec 10, 2021 par derek g (357,980 points)
It's all plug and play. All wires are connected. My oem fob starts with the 3 click so it registers the lock through my model.