Questions & Answers

Can't get into the car after remote-start

0 votes
Hello, I purchased a second-hand Subaru WRX STi 2017 (manual, normal key) with Fortin Evo-one(?) installed and FTXDUO remote control. Remote start works ok (thank you for that - a great product!). The only problem is that after remote start I can not get into the car - buttons of original key do not work. If I press Unlock button on FTX, the car unlocks and then locks up immediately. I have to remote-stop the engine, only then I can use original key to unlock the door and get into the car. Something must be missing here, but what? Or am I doing something incorrectly?
posté Dec 4, 2021 dans la catégorie Subaru par Gintaras Macijauskas (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I recommend you bring the vehicle to a professional shop/installer so they can check the system over and fix the doorlock issue while remote started.
répondu Dec 4, 2021 par J M (64,270 points)
Thanks for your answer! Unfortunately, there may be no installers nearby specialising in Fortin products. Many things I am abe to fix myself, just need some tips where to pay the attention to.

It is a wiring issue, programming issue, wrong settings or something else?