Questions & Answers

corolla hybrid starts but shuts off 1 sec after

0 votes
i have reinstall the evo all in my new corolla, i have programed it also with immobilser code.

after it starts it´s turning off  [and stays only with ignigiton]
posté Oct 23, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par morten nielsen (160 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Since it's a hybrid this may be normal, is the ready light on in the dash?
répondu Oct 25, 2021 par derek g (358,480 points)
the engine dosn´t starts. it goes back to ignigition on. after it tryes to start.
What is the S/N on the back of the module?

So the "ready mode light" does NOT illuminate in the dash is what you are saying?
the number is 001a07 131287 it has bin cheked by fortin.

the READY does NOT light up.

the thing is that i removed it from my old corolla H{B 2020  2.0 hybrid

to my new corolla STW 2.0 hybrid 2021.
The options look ok.


Was this installed with a t-arness? If yes which one was used?  or was it hardwired into the vehicle?
It with a tharnes.
I would sugges you try the following next:

1- master reset the unit in the vehicle (

2- re program the unit including re sending dcryptor.

3- re enabled 3x lock options

4- test in vehicle.
I got it to work again. Bad connetction in the starter wire. Thanks for all the help.


Morten from Denmark.
Glad you got it going.